Monthly Archives: September 2009

A Fun Week


Luke and I have had a very fun week last week. It was a good balance of going out, having friends over, and playing quietly at home.

We read some books:
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This is Luke “reading” my Bible, cuddled up in the quilt Grammie made for him.

We played outside:
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We went on an outing:
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We went to the library for story time, to the farmer’s market, and to Joann’s. Bret was writing a paper, so we tried to spend the day out of the house and let him have some peace and quiet. We had a great time! Luke loved story time, and picked out several books at the library. At the farmer’s market, he was really interested in the papaya squash, so the lady gave one to him, and he happily talked to it the rest of the day.

We cooked together:
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Luke loves to stand on the stool and “help Mama” in the kitchen. He really likes to hold a spoon and play like he’s doing whatever I’m doing. It’s so fun to have him right there with me.

We had visitors:
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Auntie Ruthie and Uncle Stephen came over and brought homemade ice cream. Luke loves his auntie and uncle, and we had a great time together.

Daddy Time


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I love to watch Luke and Bret together. Luke’s little face lights up when he sees the jeep pull up or Bret walking up to the door.

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It’s so neat to see how Bret relates to his son with cherishing love and enjoyment and how Luke responds with love and excitement.

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My heavenly Father is so much better than Bret at cherishing and loving and enjoying His children, and I’m convicted that I don’t always respond with love and excitement for His presence. May I become like a child with my Father!

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Hiding Place


Luke’s favorite game is hide and seek or peek-a-boo. He’ll often go to his favorite little hiding place and peek out to see if anyone has noticed he’s hiding and wants to play.

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Come play with me!

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Daddy will never find me here!

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He’s coming to get me!!

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Here I am!

Playing Outside


As Luke is getting more and more active, and full of energy, we’ve been spending more time outside. He loves to be outside, and will be entertained by a stick or a rock, or just walking around exploring. And I love going outside, too, so it makes a good activity for us. Here are some pictures:

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Book Review~ A Shelter in Time of Storm


A Shelter in the Time of Storm: Meditations on God and Trouble

I really enjoyed reading A Shelter in the Time of Storm by Paul David Tripp. He shares his meditations on one of my favorite Psalms, number 27. I took a good while to read this short book, because I read it, one chapter a night, before going to sleep. There are 52 short (1-2 page) chapters, just perfect for a few minutes of quiet-down reading. Each chapter was profitable for my soul and encouraging to my faith.

Each chapter is Tripp’s meditations on a verse from Psalm 27, not in order, and some verses are repeated. Each chapter is very easy and quick to read, but also very heart-penetrating and convicting. I especially enjoyed the questions at the end of each chapter, which forced me to examine my heart and evaluate whether I respond to storms in a way that honors God. I was greatly blessed by Tripp’s God-centered writing and willingness to deal with the deep issues of the heart.

I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!
~Psalm 27:13-14